It's so sad to think I don't live in this beautiful 2 bedroom apartment at Eugenie Terrace anymore!! My friend Barb and I found this apartment from someones instagram and we knew we had to live there. We ended up both breaking our leases early to move in Feb 1st 2015 because February rent was SO much cheaper than May when my lease was actually up. I found a subleaser (hey Katie Morlan) and she could not have been just an angel for me to be able to move into this apartment! It's so funny because Colin and I started officially dating January 18, 2015 while he was living in NY, so we knew we had a long distance relationship coming. He decided to come 2 weeks later to help move me into this beautiful place and he met my parents that weekend too! It's funny to think back to all these fun moments in life. I asked him isn't it a bit early to meet the parents and he said "I'll meet them eventually so.." so it happened! Below is a picture from that day he met them with him and my dad sitting on the top floor of the building. haha.
Barb was the eyes behind all the interior decor in our apartment. She's so good at that and I starting loving decorating for holidays because of her. haha. It makes your home feel so much more festive and homey. I also learned that to make your place feel homey you have to buy all these little trinkets and decor pieces because filling up your home gives it that comfortable feeling. I never liked spending money on that stuff but then I learned how homey it feels if you do.